Step-By-Step Guide to Install JSON-server in Angular Project.
Step-1 : (Install the JSON Server package)
first you need to do Create a new folder in your angular project.
npm install -g json-server
Step-2 : (Watch JSON Server)
you can watch (run) the json-server in following command.
json-server --watch db.json
npx json-server --watch db.json
after that create automatic db.json file in your angular project. Go to db.json file & open it.
Step-3 : (ByDefault Data Format)
you have some bydefault data in db.json file, you can modify it easily.
"posts": [
{ "id": 101, "title": "Json Server", "author": "hax" }
"comments": [
{ "id": 200, "body": "something write", "postId": 15 }
"profile": { "name": "angular" }
Type Y to Add routing file in angular project or type N to Not add routing in angular project.
Step-4 : (ByDefault Navigate Route)
you can watch the json-server open browser and type following command.
Step-5 : (Change Navigate Route Port)
you can change the json-server bydefault Route Port using below command.
json-server --watch db.json --port 5000
Step-6 : (Add Custom Object Data-Set)
you can change the json-server bydefault Route Port using below command.
"employees": [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "Glazed",
"last_name": "Chocolate",
"email": ""
"id": 2,
"first_name": "Steve",
"last_name": "Maple",
"email": ""
"id": 3,
"first_name": "john",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": ""
Click to Go Fake Json-Server Api
Step-7 : (REST Api Route)
db.json file Default Routes are shown below.
Singular Routes
GET /profile
POST /profile
PUT /profile
PATCH /profile
Plural Routes
GET / posts
GET / posts / 1
POST / posts
PUT / posts / 1
PATCH / posts / 1
DELETE / posts / 1
Use . to access deep properties
GET /posts?title=json-server&author=typicode
GET /posts?id=1&id=2
GET /comments?
In the realm of data retrieval, pagination plays a crucial role in managing large datasets and improving performance. One common approach to implement pagination is by utilizing the "_page" and "_limit" parameters. In this article, we will delve into the concept of pagination, understand the purpose of these parameters, and explore how to rewrite the given sentence with 100% uniqueness while retaining its intended meaning.
GET /posts?_page=7
GET /posts?_page=7&_limit=20
"Include the '_sort' and '_order' parameters, where the default sorting order is set to ascending."
GET /posts?_sort=views&_order=asc
GET /posts/1/comments?_sort=votes&_order=asc
For multiple fields, use the following format:
GET /posts?_sort=user,views&_order=desc,asc
slice have 3 implemets parameters "_start" or "_end" or "_limit", ensuring that res includes an X-Total-Count header."
GET /posts?_start=20&_end=30
GET /posts/1/comments?_start=20&_end=30
GET /posts/1/comments?_start=20&_limit=10
slice have 2 Incorporate parameters "_gte" or "_lte", retrieve data within a specified range.
GET /posts?views_gte=10&views_lte=20
Add _ne to exclude a value
GET /posts?id_ne=1
Add _like to filter (RegExp supported)
GET /posts?title_like=server
Full-text search
Add q
GET /posts?q=internet
To include children resources, add _embed
GET /posts?_embed=comments
GET /posts/1?_embed=comments
To include parent resource, add _expand
GET /comments?_expand=post
GET /comments/1?_expand=post
To work with nested resources, you have the option to leverage the built-in one-level nesting functionality or implement custom routes to handle additional levels for accessing or creating them.
GET /posts/1/comments
POST /posts/1/comments
GET /db
server return bydefault index file or serves the contents of the './public' directory.
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